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Happy international women’s day.

Brentwood Running club is blessed with a vast array of inspiring, talented and brilliant women.


here are just a handful of them.

Member profile. 💚💚💚

This Monday we are starting the week with our very own Tina Leung.

She in an integral part of the club and an inspiration to others.

We asked Tina 6 questions and these were her answers.

1. Briefly introduce yourself

My name is Tina Leung. I joined the Thrift Green Trotters (pre Brentwood Running Club) in October 2004. I joked after one of my friends asked me if I would like to run the London Marathon with her, after she saw that on TV.

Unfortunately, she didn’t even turn up for the first session, but I was hooked.

I have since run a few marathons, and lot of other bits and pieces, all and all.

I just love running.

2) What events, if any do you have coming up?

I have a terrible injury at the moment, Covid 19 didn’t help. I am happy just be able to walk a few miles every day, maybe with a little bit of jogging in between.

I only signed up for a few Virtual 5K, (can’t even do a 10K yet, but hopeful it won’t be long).

3) What does running mean to you?

It keeps me fit, helps me forget everything and relax. Allows me to sleep well at night and does me a lot of good.

4) What is your best BRC memory?

a) I was a Games maker through the club for the 2012 Olympics. We gate crashed the Olympic Stadium for Usain Bolt’s 100 m final.

b) Being a team member for the Spitfire Scramble. I was there only to make up the numbers, but with Jo’s organising, the good running and tactics from Marijke, Kat, Mary, Julie and Lorna, we came in 2nd.

However, I definitely don’t like camping.

c) Marathon drinks station, Prudential Ride London Feeding Hub, 10K, Cross country, Essex Way, Grizzly, and a lot more, it’s impossible to list them all.

5) Proudest running moment?

I am afraid it is not a running moment (only a third of it). I finished 151 out of 151 in a Tri- a Try. When you are a non cyclist and a non swimmer, it’s hard.

With the help from Barbara, Jackie and Shirley, they taught me how to cycle, and took me swimming nearly every week, to get me ready for the race.

I still think to swim 10 laps is harder than run 10 miles!

6) Best bit of running advice you could give or have been given?

If somethings not right, seek help early.

The reason my injury is taking so long to recover is because I left it too late.

I also had a lot of different treatments that die will work (according to the Physio).

I have to leave it to recover slowly and gradually.

But I was glad that he didn’t tell me that I can’t run.

Just enjoy.

1. Please briefly introduce yourself?

James McNish-Porter, runner and committee member.

I joined the Club for the 2005 beginners course run by Tony McDonald-Liggins and was hooked from then on.

I started running with groups from H I think (as it then was) with Barbara Crowley to start with and over the years with every other group (thank you Sue White, Roger Clark, Robin Gale, Steve Rich, Paul Price, Peter Tree, Keith Thornton, Chris Jones and all the other group leaders over the years) up to B with Phil Olson before lockdown.

On the racing side the Essex Way (every leg over the years), South Essex cross countries (as many as I can get every season) , Benfleet 15 (5 times) and the Grizzly (6) are probably my favourites, plus of course the Brentwood Half (10 or so). I have helped on the Club committee since 2015.

2. What events, if any do you have booked?

I sadly have no events booked, not even deferred events, having left the diary blank after last year's Grizzly.

I would love to think there might be an Essex Way leg to run or a cross country season in the autumn.

3. What does running mean to you?

The fresh air, challenge, being a bit fitter and sometimes even a bit of adventure, obviously, but also teamwork and so much encouragement from other runners.

4. What is your best BRC memory?

There are so many. Getting the hang of covering the distance in the first place, especially the first time running eyeballs-out on the beginners course (a whole 75 metres up Riseway), and post- cross-country tea and cake.

But if pushed I would say all those hundreds of long Sunday runs in good company.

5. Proudest running moment?

When the London Marathon finally went to plan after making a mess of the first time, and getting to the top of the Stairway to Heaven on my first Grizzly stand out.

6. Best bit of running advice you have been given or received?

That's easy: the piece of advice that works for me is "Hold it back!".


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