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Member profile- Terry Allen

Member profile.

This Wednesday we are profiling A group legend and all round lovely bloke.

Terry Allen


1. Please Briefly introduce yourself.

Terry Allen, Iโ€™ve been with the club for over ten years and am one of the leaders of Group A. I actually joined the club to train for the running leg of triathlons, but soon found that I loved running for its own sake and worked my way up the groups. I still do triathlons but really Iโ€™m a runner in a wetsuit or a runner on a bike!

2. What events if any do you have coming up?

Iโ€™m currently training for the Isle of Wight ultramarathon in July - one lap of the island (67 miles). I did it back in 2018 and totally loved it! This time weโ€™re going anti-clockwise - climbing from the Needles to Blackgang is going to be awesome! Iโ€™ve got a place in the London Marathon in October as well.

3. What does running mean to you?

Running makes me happy! ๐Ÿ˜€

I love the feeling of being totally in the moment that you get whilst exercising and I honestly believe that everyone would benefit from being active in what ever way they can. We didnโ€™t evolve to sit still all day!

Fish swim, birds fly, humans run!

4. What is your best BRC memory?

Two things stand out for me: first of all itโ€™s seeing people achieve their goals, I love it when someone gets a PB that theyโ€™ve been working towards - recently seeing Andy M go sub-40 for 10k for the first time and cheering him on for the last 100m or so.

Secondly, itโ€™s that moment at the Benfleet 15 when you see runners going in both directions- I love the boost you get from cheering on the other green vests and them cheering you. Runners are great people, especially BRC/TGT runners!

Oh and a third thing, seeing Ken Bench at the end of a cross country - that feeling of knowing itโ€™s over and you can have tea and cake!

5. Proudest running moment?

The best moments for me have been when Iโ€™ve completed something that I didnโ€™t think I could do or which genuinely scared the pants off me:

1. Completing my first Ironman.

2. Completing my first ultramarathon (Beachy Head in the snow, more about survival than running)!

3. Going sub-3 for a marathon and getting a GFA for London.

6. Best bit of running advice you could give or have been given.

1. Do more glute bridges! Make sure your glutes are firing before your hamstrings.

2. Do your easy sessions EASY and the hard sessions HARD. Donโ€™t get caught in the middle.

3. Free your mind and your ass will follow!

For life and running.


© 2020 Brentwood Running Club

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