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Member profile- Lisa James

Member profile time.

This week our spotlight turns its shine on Lisa James.

Fresh from smashing the North downs 30 last Sunday.

Here’s what she had to say.


1. Please Briefly introduce yourself.

Hi I’m Lisa James. I have been a member of BRC for a few years now. I usually run with Diane Fairchild and a few willing others on a Sunday morning. I also run with Keith Thornton and the Merrymeade ladies on a Monday.

2. What events, if you have coming up?

I have the North Downs 18 mile run this Sunday and I have a place in the London Marathon this October for SFH if it happens!

3. What does running mean to you?

Running has been a huge part of my life. It helped me through some really tough times when I lost my brother. It kept me sane during lockdown. I have met lots of fantastic positive people through running and achieved things I never thought possible (thanks Keith for your help with this).

4. What is your best BRC memory?

I think it has to be the camaraderie of the team BRC Cross Country runs.

Everyone from the club of all different levels running and supporting each other in the coldest (Cambridge), muddiest (Writtle), hilliest (Hadleigh Park) wettest (Hadleigh Park) conditions ever!

Running through a field of cow poo in Writtle is also up there! As well as completing the Grizzly with Diane which was just the most fun!

5. Proudest running moment?

It has to be completing my first London Marathon ever in 2018 in the hottest conditions they have ever experienced- I know how to pick them! The support at the 10-mile water station and at the end of the race was amazing from everyone at BRC.

6. Best bit of running advice you could give or have been given.

Get together regularly with a group of runners. For me having running buddies helps keep me motivated, I always feel happier and more positive after a run with them. When you’re socially and emotionally invested in your runs it’s harder to skip them.


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