Running in the new normal.
Brentwood running club is pleased to announce that Wednesday club runs are back on.
However these are covid risk assessed, socially distanced smaller groups and different to what we are used to.
Because the world has changed since lockdown was introduced. We as a club have had to change with it.
To run with team BRC now; you have to be a fully paid up member, who has read the covid social distances running risk assessment and signed the waiver form.
At the moment these new groups are in their infancy. But as we progress we hope to offer our members more.
the current situation is:
Club runs on Wednesday divided into 3 groups.
Each group is organised via WhatsApp chats.
Each group meets at a different location to maintain social distancing. We can’t use the Brentwood centre indoor areas for the time being.
Runners are listed and recorded for contract tracing purposes.
Maximum of 12 people per group. Although this is up to the group leaders discretion (number increased from 6).
Group leader must carry a first aid kit along with gloves and hand sanitizer.
Groups liaise via WhatsApp to make sure they don’t all do the same route.
Social distancing observed.
If you are a paid up member of the club and want to join a group.
Message us either on the clubs WhatsApp or send an email here.
Happy running
