The (former) monthly newsletter for the Brentwood Running Club (BRC)
May 2021
Resumption of Full Groups
The next destination on the Government’s roadmap from Monday 17 May means that the club can now go to full groups, and for the first time since early March last year can meet together at the Brentwood Centre on a Wednesday evening, tomorrow (19 May) at 7:30 pm
Caution is still very much the watchword, as it is nationally for all activities, and tomorrow’s next step, will operate under the following conditions:
1.Groups – see below for which groups are running, but for the first time there is no limit of 6, and therefore no need to pre-book a slot, although this will vary from group to group. It would be still helpful to the Group Leader to let them know in advance if you are running, but you can turn up on the night and run
2.Paid membership – we are still required to provide a Covid-secure environment, and therefore for the benefit of Group leaders and insurance purposes, it remains club policy for the time being that only paid members of the club can run with the club. That will include anyone who paid last year (20/21) and/or anyone who has paid this year (21/22), but see membership section below. It means that we cannot operate our usual policy of letting non-members run with the club for a trial period of 2-3 weeks
Payment accepted up to the start of the runs tomorrow night, or indeed any night you wish to run
3.Risk assessment waivers – any member wishing to run needs to have signed the ‘acceptance’ shown below. Copies will be available on club night for anyone who has yet to do so
4.Brentwood Centre – for the time being we are meeting outside, but club members do have limited access to the Centre (now run by the Council), so if you need the facilities, just ask
5.Hygiene – please bring mask and sanitiser to use where appropriate
Groups operating
All groups will run from the Brentwood Centre at 7:30, unless otherwise stated:
A Group – Leader - Terry Allen, at better than 7 min mile pace. Meeting at 7pm at King George’s (Rugby Club car park). Please text Terry if you wish to run, so that he will know to wait for you
B Group – Leader - Ben Whateley-Harris, at 7:30 to 8:15 pace
C/D Group – Leader – James MacNish Porter (for this week), at 8:15 to 9:00 pace. Meeting at 7pm in BC car park by the big Brentwood Town FC sign on the path to the BC entrance. Please pre-book with James if you wish to run
E Group – Leader - Paul James, at about 10:00 pace. This group will run from the BC at 8pm, for this week
Slow Group – for this week, Brian Harding will be taking out a slow group from the BC at 7:30 if there is sufficient demand
Run details will vary from week to week, so you will need to check with the Group Leader
Risk assessment waivers
Please send the acceptance email set out below to Ken Bench at stating your normal group or leader
Acceptance email as follows: I ________ (runner) have read the covid-19 stage 2 information pack and agree to abide by the guidance within it under the supervision of the group leader/committee member. I _________ also agree to pre-book any organisedgroup sessions, to be in good health (covid symptom free or any other illness) and/or not shielding a person at risk of covid under GP guidance within the same household. I understand I must maintain social distancing with any runner or member of the public at all times. (FULL name of runner and date)
Waivers will be available to sign on the night
BRC Membership 2021/22
Membership payments were due on 1 March so please pay as soon as possible if you have not already done so. England Athletics have extended the affiliation period for last year through to August 2021, but for the benefit of our records (and club finances!) I would be grateful if anyone who has not renewed for 21/22 could do so before the end of June. The following rates are at a bargain low this year:
Full member renewal-£20
Second claim renewal-£5
New member-£30
New second claim-£15
Fee payment
Our preferred method of payment, and by far the most practical in current circumstances, is:
• By Bank Transfer – to the Club’s Santander account. Remember to ensure that the transfer contains your full name so that it can be identified
Account Number 73777309Sort Code 09-01-51
Please note that anyone who joined from August 2020 onwards, and there are a few of you, does not need to renew as their membership is valid until the end of February 2022. If anyone does not wish to renew can they please let me know so that I can amend our database
Steve Birkett( May 2021