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If considering joining the club, please copy and paste this waiver and email back to:


BRC covid waiver as follows: 


I ________ (runner) agree to adhere to the covid-19 guidance under the supervision of the group leader/committee member.  
I _________ also agree to pre-book any organised group sessions, to be in good health (covid symptom free or any other illness)  and/or not shielding a person at risk of covid under GP guidance within the same household.  I understand I must maintain social 
distancing with any runner or member of the public at all times.  


(FULL name of runner and date)

download (1).png

For all information regarding joining the club and covid safety questions.


Please email our membership secretary Steve Birkett 


WhatsApp Image 2020-04-30 at 14.43.32.jpeg
Tropical Leaves

© 2020 Brentwood Running Club

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