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Member profile - Ken Bench

introducing the legend that is Ken Bench


1. Please briefly introduce yourself.

Ken Bench, I have been a member since 1992 (TGT and BRC). At my second AGM I not only found myself on the race committee, but the Race Secretary. This I did until 2007 and included both the 10k and the SEEXC at Thorndon Country Park. It was a steep learning curve which was overcome with the assistance of a long standing member of the club, Keith Waite, alas no longer with us.

2. What events if any do you have coming up?

Due to a recurring calf problem, I no longer run but compensate with long walks on the Essex footpaths. Involvement now is as a course marshal which keeps me in touch with the running community. I am patiently waiting for the Park Runs to return.

3. What does running mean to you?

Running gave me time to think. Problems which seemed insurmountable from behind a desk, shrank whilst out on the road. Many an issue has been solved by the time I had arrive home.

4. What is your best BRC memory?

There are many memories come to mind whilst away with the club. Breaking the ice during the “Tough Guy”, trying to keep upright in a gale on top of the cliffs in the “Grizzly” and almost flying whilst descending from the top in the “Snowdon Fell Race”. Being a Games Maker with other club members will always be up there. But my best memory is standing at the start of the Rheims Half Marathon, with other club members, in the pouring rain and watching steam rising from all the bodies.

5. Proudest running moment?

Despite having done a number of marathons, including the “Midnight Sun Marathon” at Tromso, my proudest moment has to be my very first, “London Marathon”. I found this exhilarating and satisfying after all the training and support from the club.

6. Best bit of running advice you could give or have been given.

Training should take the form of a saw tooth, gradually building up the intensity then easing off to rest. Resting is just as important as hard running. But don’t sit down, keep moving. Site-seeing after a city marathon is a great idea.


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